(972) 388-4118
What do the logo and name mean?
The word vocatio is the Latin word for calling or vocation. In designing the logo, the image of the apostles at the storm at sea and the appearance of Christ on the waters came to mind. In the darkness of night (black background), the figure of Christ appears and the apostles mistook him for a ghost, while He indeed is the light that enters darkness (the white lettering). When Peter wants to confirm that it is not a ghost but is the Lord, he tells Jesus "command me to come to you" or "call me to come to you," at which point he begins to walk on the waters toward Jesus. This short "walk" was a complete journey filled with fear, uncertainty, hope, obedience, doubt and the experience of Christ's power to rescue, in other words, a pilgrimage.
The "T" in the logo is reminiscent of the crosier (staff) of St John Paul II pictured above. His love for young people led him to institute the "World Youth Days" held since 1985 and is the Patron Saint of Vocatio Travel.